8 Tips For Rebranding Your Website

While many software companies often struggle to get off the ground and need to raise venture capital to help them do that. But their work is not over when they do that, as they then find themselves bigger than they expected and now dealing with the uncertainty of rebranding a money-earning product of brand.

The web is constantly changing, and to keep up with the latest trends you need to update your website regularly. While it may not be that big of a deal to change the look of your home page or blog, rebranding an existing website can be risky business. Here are some tips for improving your next web rebranding project’s success rate:

1. Know your goals.

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Before you can even begin to rebrand your website, it’s important to know what you want the finished product to look like and what problems need to be solved for your business. If any changes need to be made, start this process early on before you make the new design live. You may not always get everything right on the first try, but at least with a plan in place, you’ll have some sort of guide throughout the entire rebranding project.

2. Involve all key players from day one.

One of the best ways to ensure that nothing is overlooked during a web rebranding project is by involving everyone who will be affected by or involved in the process, from web designers to content creators. Rebranding an existing website can be a lot like repainting a house: you need to talk with everyone living in it before you attempt to do any work on the property. For example, if the new design calls for changing your blog’s layout from three columns to two, someone who regularly writes guest posts may no longer have a place for their post.

3. Use a simple content management system 

One does not simply rebrand

It should go without saying that your rebranded site needs to have an easy-to-use content management system so that everyone involved in the project can change and update specific parts of the website without having to rely on developers or tech teams. Even though there are tons of different CMS platforms out there, it’s best to stick with the one that you currently use for your website.

4. Don’t overlook search engine optimization (SEO).

If you want people to find your new rebranded website, you need to make sure it has proper SEO in place so that Google and other major search engines can easily crawl through your site. A good starting point is by checking if all of your pages are optimized correctly, including updating titles and descriptions where necessary. If SEO isn’t part of the project’s budget, try finding someone who specializes in this area on an hourly basis instead of hiring a full-time employee just for this purpose.

5. Take advantage of analytics data.

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To see how well or poorly your rebranded website is performing, plug your website’s main domain into Google Analytics and see what kind of statistics there are to work with. You can also try other analytics packages from web tracking companies such as Clicky or CrazyEgg. Use all available metrics to make a list of things that should be changed on the new site, including colors, text descriptions, and text links.

6. Complete a usability analysis.

The best way to ensure that nothing about your rebranded website could potentially harm users’ ability to use it is by completing a thorough usability analysis before you roll out any changes to the existing design. Usability testing works by creating tasks for target audiences who will use the website in question then having them carry those tasks out while watching how they do it. Once you have the data, make necessary changes to improve ease of use with your new website design.

7 . Have at least one round of beta testing.

When it comes to web rebranding projects, your first run-through is never going to be perfect. Even if all of your usability tests are done and there are no major issues with SEO or crawlability, there’s still a chance that something about the design will trip up users once they start using the site for real. To ensure that nothing slips through the cracks before you go live, try having at least one round of beta testing so that mistakes can be caught early on before any serious damage can occur to either existing traffic or brand sentiment.

8 . Get in touch with everyone in your target audience.

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Sometimes the best way to get a feel for how people are using your rebranded website is by having conversations with them directly. If you know that there’s a list of email addresses or phone numbers of people who use your site, contact them and ask questions about what they like and don’t like about the existing design as well as what they’d change if they had the chance. Use this information to create a new design that appeals to both current and potential users so that everyone can benefit from the changes once they go live.

So there you have it. 8 tips for rebranding your website. Feel free to leave a comment below with any questions or thoughts you might have about this post!

Further Reading

spongebob meme about rebranding rainbow

How Venture Capital Works

Venture capital is one of the most common ways that startup companies gain access to the funds they need to get off the ground or expand into new areas. Also known as “venture funding,” this type of investment takes place at the early stages of a company’s life, and it’s typically used by smaller firms without any other options for raising money.

Archer meme about gettting venture captial

Typically, venture capitalists are looking for fast returns within five years. They will invest in promising startups that show potential for success but still lack enough capital to really make progress. Venture capitalists often provide not only capital but also connections and mentoring. However, because VCs want high returns on their investments, many young entrepreneurs delay speaking with them until they’ve already raised significant seed money from angels or incubators.

Venture capital firms are usually looking for opportunities in specific areas. These include “social enterprise,” where investors help new companies that are making an impact on some social ill, and “cleantech,” which includes green power, alternative fuels and environmentally friendly technologies of all kinds. Other popular categories for VCs include digital media, entertainment, gaming, online retailing, healthcare technology and mobile applications.

Venture capitalists have to investigate the company they are considering funding very thoroughly because of its high-risk nature. They often spend months studying a potential investment, checking out and buying access to data sets of public data to learn about the founders and the market, as well as the technologies before moving forward with it – so entrepreneurs need to be prepared to wait for funding if they get approached by a venture capitalist. capital investments generally range from $1 million to $10 million.

Dr Evil One Million Dollars

While many startups fail, there is a high risk that people will lose their investment money as well. However, if you get funded by venture capitalists, the chance of your business succeeding greatly increases because they’ll provide you with all the experience and expertise they can offer – giving you an important advantage over other new firms just starting out.

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If you are trying to raise venture capital for your start-up, then it is important to know how venture capital works. The process is difficult and it can take time, so you need to prepare yourself to be patient. If your business fits into one of the popular areas for venture capitalists, then you are more likely to get funded than someone with a different kind of start-up idea.

You should also consider applying for an incubator or accelerator program that ties together mentoring and funding in order to help your business grow faster through staff guidance and initial investment.

Further Reading:

Venture Capital Hierarchy Of Needs

Main Differences Between B2B Marketing and B2C Marketing

B2C and B2B marketing are two very different types of marketing methodologies. The way that they work, what their purpose is and where they focus on all differ from each other. This article will closely examine the main differences between b2b and b2c to gain a better insight into what business-to-consumer way that a business operates is completely different between the two, and a business can’t really do successful marketing in either one if they don’t understand these main differences.

B2C Marketing

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In consumer-to-consumer marketing, or B2C for short, the target market is consumers buying from other consumers. In this type of marketing, there are generally no intermediaries involved. When you go to Amazon.com and buy a book, you’re not going through some other store or organization before you purchase it; you’re just shopping online from individual sellers who have their own virtual stores via Amazon’s website. This is an example of B2C commerce because it involves businesses selling directly to consumers without any middlemen involved during the transaction process.

B2C marketing involves each individual business marketing their products or services to large groups of consumers, usually by using advertisements that are personalized to the particular consumer’s preferences.

Advantages & Disadvantages

The advantage of B2C marketing is that it can be very effective at reaching a mass number of potential customers quickly for relatively low costs. The disadvantage is that it isn’t really practical for businesses to try and target every single possible customer because there are too many variables involved in making sure an advertisement will reach just the right people who want to purchase whatever it is being advertised. This makes it difficult for smaller companies with lower advertising budgets to get the same kind of results as larger competitors.

B2B Marketing

Business-to-Business, or B2B for short, marketing involves businesses selling to other businesses. Just like with business-to-consumer marketing, there are generally no middlemen involved during the transaction process when you’re using this type of marketing model.

An example of B2B commerce would be when a large corporation needs to buy something like paper for one of their office buildings; they don’t go to their local Staples store to purchase it because that wouldn’t make sense in this situation. Instead, they contact one of the many different paper suppliers who sell wholesale paper and negotiate an agreement with them about how much product will be purchased and at what price for regular delivery. This is an example of how B2B works for the buyer (in this case, the corporation) and how it functions for the supplier (the paper company).

B2B marketing involves each individual business marketing their products or services to other businesses, usually by using personalized advertisements that are designed to appeal to the potential customer’s needs.

Advantages & Disadvantages

The benefit of B2B marketing is that it can be very cost-effective because of the high number of potential customers involved. The disadvantage is that it takes time to convince another business to buy your product or service so results don’t happen overnight like they do with some types of B2C marketing. This means you’ll need a steady stream of persuasive ad copy combined with consistent social media promotion if you want this type of model to work successfully for your business.


one does simply not have an online marketing plan without having a strategy

Thinking of all the possible business models out there can be overwhelming while you’re trying to make an educated decision about which one will work best for your business, but understanding some of the main differences between B2B and B2C marketing is a good place to start when you want to get your online advertising campaign moving in the right direction.

In general, businesses use B2B marketing when they have something other companies need and B2C when people are looking for a product or service that only they can provide. Advertising through social media is often used with both types because it allows businesses to target specific groups who have demonstrated an interest in their type of products or services. And although results may take longer with B2B marketing, it can be worth your while to help another business reach its goals so you can reap the benefits as well.

Further Reading

How to use the 4 Ps of marketing

The 4 Ps are the classic marketing mix or components of a business. The four ps are product, price, place, and promotion. Each one has its own role to play in an effective marketing strategy. They work together as part of the greater whole that makes up your entire campaign’s success or failure. You can’t have one without the others being involved, so you must keep all of them in mind when you create your overall plan.


50% of marketing memes don't work

A company can’t succeed if their product isn’t what people want. Marketing research is essential to understanding customer needs and wants for this reason; by studying potential customers’ habits and preferences, individual businesses can determine how best to sell their products or services successfully. What works for one company may not work for another, so it’s important to consult with professionals or trusted advisers before finalizing your product.


Pricing is an important factor in how successful your business will be. It’s normal for companies to offer multiple products with different prices attached, allowing customers to choose the version that fits their budget. If you’re having trouble deciding on what price point works best, consider researching competitors’ prices and using that as a guide when setting yours. Once people see how much they can save by buying from you instead of somewhere else; word-of-mouth advertising is likely to spread like wildfire about your great deals!

Place (or distribution)

Getting the proper placement means you’ll need to make decisions like whether or not to open a physical location. For some types of businesses, it just makes sense to have a shop where people can see your inventory and even buy it right there on the spot. The place you decide to sell is important because it directly affects how easy or difficult sales will be. No one wants to drive far away for their purchases, so consider the location of your business carefully before finalizing any decisions.


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Once you have an attractive product ready to share with the world, you need to promote it! Marketing is what makes customers aware that an item exists in the first place; if they don’t know about it or haven’t been told why they should want one, no amount of promotion will be enough to make them take an interest. Advertising is one of the most popular promotion techniques, but businesses also hold sales or offer promotions to try and get people in the door. When setting up your own marketing strategy, be sure to include several different types of advertising methods to get the word out about your product!

The 4 Ps

The 4 Ps are a great tool for any business looking to make smart decisions about their campaigns. Because they work together, you can’t afford to forget even one during the initial planning stages. Consider each point before creating your promotional plan, and make pieces that fit together smoothly for best results!

Further Reading:

yo dawg marketing memes with memes

How To Calculate Your Marketing Budget

Marketing is an investment, just like any other type of capital spending. Marketers need to be aware of the return on their marketing investments because that will help them understand how much to invest in it.

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A Marketing Budget For ANTS! – Meme Source

I’ve found that marketers generally break into three categories when it comes to determining their budgets for marketing activities. Let’s take a look at each type and how to calculate their budget.

The first group is made up of marketers that use a percentage of their revenue as their marketing budget. This approach is very simple, but it can be inaccurate if your company’s revenue changes frequently.

To calculate your marketing budget using this method, simply multiply your desired marketing spend by your company’s annual revenue. So if you want to spend 10% of your company’s revenue on marketing, then multiply 10% by your company’s annual revenue. This gives you the amount you should set aside each year for marketing expenses.

The second group is made up of those that use a certain dollar amount as their marketing budget. This approach can be more accurate than using a percentage of revenue because it allows you to more precisely calculate the number of marketing dollars that need to be set aside each year.

hard to swallow pills meme about marketing budgets
Found this meme on Digible

To determine your target marketing budget, take into account all of your company’s expenses and project what its sales will be in a given year. Add up how much money is going out and subtract that from expected sales results. The difference is how much money you have available for marketing this year.

The third group is made up of marketers that use a percentage of their competitors’ budgets as their benchmark for their budgets. This approach can also be inaccurate simply because there are many other factors involved with calculating a company’s actual marketing spend, such as competition spending rates and lack of data about what companies do spend on certain types of marketing.

To use this approach, find the average percentage of revenue that your top three competitors are spending on marketing and divide it by 3. This will give you a good starting point for how much you should be budgeting for marketing.

While there is no perfect answer when it comes to calculating your marketing budget, these three methods should give you a good place to start. Some CMOs and Marketing Directors will rely on buy datasets to help decide where to allocate a budget. Others will need to collect their own data which get expensive and risky, but is still way cheaper than launching a marketing campaign that won’t have any impact. Whichever method you choose, make sure you track your results so that you can continue to invest in the activities that are providing the best return on investment.

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Found This Game Of Marketing Budget Meme upon Pinterest

Using Proxy Networks To Collect Data

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Image Source for the Oprah Datasets Meme

Proxy networks are an interesting solution to the problem of getting limited or restricted when trying to collect large volumes of data. By using a proxy network, the data collection tasks can be distributed across many different servers, making it more difficult for someone to block or interfere with said data collection. In addition, using a proxy network can help you disguise the origins of your data traffic, making it more difficult for someone to track your data collection activity.

There are many different types of proxy networks, but all of them share the same basic functionality. A proxy network is a collection of servers that act as intermediaries between your computer and the Internet. When you send a request to a website, the proxy network will forward that request to one of its servers, which will then retrieve the requested information and send it back to the proxy network. That server will then forward the information to you, which is why all of your data collection traffic re-routes through one or more servers in the proxy network.

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Yo Dawg, herd you liked meme sources, so we put a datasets meme source in your datasets meme so you can…

Now that you understand how data collection works using proxy networks, let’s discuss how this process is used to build datasets. The most common way to use proxy networks for data collection is by using a technique called scraping. Scraping is the process of extracting data from web pages and other online resources. By using a proxy network, you can scrape data from websites that are blocked in your country or that have otherwise been made inaccessible. Once that data is scraped, it gets parsed and then you start having pre-collected data sets.

In addition to scraping, proxy networks can be used to collect data from forums, online polls, and other public sites that let users submit information. The proxy network will monitor these websites. When it receives a submission, this process will forward the submission to another server in the proxy network, which will then record it as part of your dataset.

office space meme about needing more data
Source of Office Space meme about datasets

Without an effective data collection program, it would be difficult to build a large dataset. By using proxy networks, you can circumvent many of the restrictions that prevent you from collecting data. In addition, proxy networks can help you disguise the origins of your data traffic, making it more difficult for someone to track your data collection activity.

So to sum it all up, proxy networks can be used to collect data from blocked websites and other online resources. Furthermore, proxy networks make it easier for you to disguise the origins of your data collection activity. Proxy networks are an effective way to build large datasets at a low cost.

Tips For Retail Marketing

Similar to marketing a garage sale, there are a few other tips you can follow to help market your retail business, such as a shop/store or restaurant.

First, make sure your store is well-organized and clean. This will give customers a positive impression of your business.

Second, make sure you have an attractive and eye-catching sign in front of your store.

Third, create flyers and post them around your local community. Be sure to include a map with directions to your store, as well as a short biography of yourself and what you sell.

Fourth, be sure to ask friends and family if they know anyone who would benefit from your products or services. Word of mouth is very important for retail stores!

Finally, make sure your store is open during regular business hours and keep them posted online and clearly at the front of your store.

If you follow these tips, you will be able to market your retail store in no time.

7 Common Marketing Mistakes

1. Focusing on acquiring new customers instead of retaining current ones

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It can be tempting to focus all your marketing efforts on acquiring new customers, but this is a mistake. It’s much more costly and time-consuming to acquire new customers than it is to retain current ones. It can cost up to five times more to acquire a new customer than it does to keep an existing one. Think about all the time you spend focusing on acquiring new customers – how much of that could be spent nurturing and retaining your current customers instead?

Retain, engage and delight your current customers

The best way to retain your current customers is through effective engagement and relationship management. To build engagement, your marketing strategy needs to be focused on creating meaningful relationships with your audiences, not trying to sell them things all the time. Regular contact with your customers is necessary to demonstrate that they are valued and to obtain feedback so you can adapt and improve.

Marketing automation software will help automate customer relationship management processes, allowing you to keep in touch with your customers more effectively and efficiently. You can even automate some of the data collection functions by buying pre-collected datasets to avoid the infrastructure costs of building a data collection system, especially if what you need is fairly standard.

2. Focusing on quantity instead of quality

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It’s important to produce high-quality content if you want to attract and retain customers. If your content is low quality, people will quickly lose interest, and you’ll find it hard to attract new ones. Create content that solves your customers’ problems and addresses their pain points. If you do this, not only will they be more likely to read what you have to say, but they’ll also be more likely to develop a relationship with you and become loyal customers. In addition, high-quality content helps establish your brand as an industry authority, which can attract new customers.

3. Focusing on the wrong channels

Not all marketing channels are created equal – some are more effective than others. It’s important to focus your efforts on the channels that will produce the best results for your business. For example, if you’re targeting young people, social media is a good place to start. However, if you’re targeting the elderly, they may not be using social media, so it wouldn’t be a good choice for your business.

Make sure you identify and focus on the channels that will bring in new leads and customers for your business. Look at where your competitors are marketing, and do the same – it’s a good place to start.

4. Focusing on brand awareness instead of conversions

getting your brand right is so hot right now - meme

Marketing isn’t just about getting your name out there – it should be about acquiring customers for your business. If you focus all your efforts on promoting your brand, but neglect to promote specific products or services, you won’t attract many customers. Some marketers believe that once they have people’s attention, it doesn’t matter what they say – but the truth is a bit different.

Marketing is all about converting prospects into paying customers – so make sure your content reflects this. If someone lands on your website because you posted a link on Twitter, make it clear how they can buy your product or service. If you don’t do this, people will leave, and you’ll see a low conversion rate.

5. Forgetting to check for negative feedback online

Negative comments are hard to deal with – especially when someone has taken the time to write something nasty about your business. However, you can’t ignore what people are saying about you online – it’s too important to do that. Waiting until the negative comments go away is not an option either – because by then, people will have already made up their minds about your company.

Get in there quickly and talk to people who have left negative comments. Address their concerns, and try to find a solution. If you can show that you’re responsive to feedback and care about your customers, they’ll be more likely to forgive and forget.

6. Not using marketing automation software

Managing customer relationships takes a lot of time and effort, and it can be difficult to keep track of what you need to do to stay in touch with your customers. Marketing automation software will help automate customer relationship management processes, allowing you to keep in touch with your customers more effectively and efficiently.

7. Not adapting to changes

The marketing landscape is constantly changing, so it’s important to be prepared to adapt to changes to stay ahead of the competition. If you don’t change with the times, you’ll find yourself left behind.

Keep an eye on the latest marketing trends, and see how you can adapt them for your business. Try new things, and see what works and what doesn’t. As long as you’re prepared to experiment, you’ll be able to stay ahead of the competition.

Keep In Mind

Making these mistakes can hurt your business in several ways. By avoiding them, you’ll be able to improve your marketing results and increase your bottom line.

Further Reading

austin powers live dangerously meme marketing in house

The Dangers Of Poor Marketing

Marketing is one of the most important aspects of any business. It’s what informs customers about your product or service, and it can make or break a company. Unfortunately, some businesses don’t take marketing seriously enough, and they end up paying the price. Marketing is one of the glues that holds your company together, don’t neglect it!

Here are some of the dangers of poor marketing:

1. You’ll lose customers.

If you don’t have a solid marketing strategy in place, your customers will eventually find out and they’ll leave you for your competition. In today’s competitive marketplace, it’s essential to have a strong marketing strategy that sets you apart from the rest. If you don’t, you’ll quickly lose market share and your business will suffer.

2. You’ll miss out on opportunities.

If you don’t have a good marketing strategy, you’ll miss out on opportunities to grow your business. You’ll also miss out on referrals and word-of-mouth. Even if your products or services are great, it won’t matter because you won’t be able to reach as many potential customers as you could otherwise.

3. You’ll lose valuable marketing dollars.

burning money meme about using the marketing budget wrong and how it feels like
Meme Found On Best Funny Memes

If you don’t take marketing seriously, you’ll end up wasting valuable marketing dollars on ineffective campaigns. This can be very costly and it can damage your business in the long run. It’s essential to invest in effective marketing campaigns that will reach your target audience and help you achieve your goals.

4. You’ll fall behind the competition.

If you don’t take marketing seriously, your competition will quickly surpass you. If your competitors invest in strong marketing strategies and take the time to track their results, they’ll eventually become much stronger than you are. It’s essential that you keep up with the competition by investing in solid marketing campaigns that will help you gain more market share.

5. Your brand will suffer.

If you don’t have a strong marketing strategy, your brand will suffer. Your brand is what sets you apart from the competition, and it’s essential to protect it. If you don’t take marketing seriously, your brand will become diluted and it won’t be as strong as it could be. This can be damaging to your business in the long run.

As you can see, there are many dangers of poor marketing. If you don’t take marketing seriously, your business will suffer in the long run. It’s essential to invest in a solid marketing strategy that will reach your target audience and help you achieve your goals.

Further Reading

dr evil meme marketing with freaking lazers
This Dr. Evil Meme Was Found on LinkedIn

9 Fast Tips For Product Marketing

1. Define your target market

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Digital marketing GIF – Source -> Tenor

Before you can begin marketing your product, you first need to have a clear understanding of who your target market is. Defining your target market will help you better understand their needs and desires, which will, in turn, help you create a marketing strategy that resonates with them.

2. Research your competition

Competition is always fierce in the world of product marketing, so it’s important to do your research and understand what your competitors are doing. Knowing what they’re offering and how they’re positioning their products will give you a better idea of how to differentiate your product in the market. One advanced tool you can use is simply to Google the type of problems your product solves or fixes, and see who else appears for that, both on the paid and organic results. You can use a proxy network to change your geolocation if that impacts the results of your research. If you need to run google searches from many different geographical locations, then something like a proxy search engine crawler in the HTML output mode can help you do that very easily. If you need to run more elaborate analysis you can have it spit out the data in JSON format, but you’ll probably need a data scientist once it gets that complex. It’s important to pay attention to geographical variations from your customers as the “pain-points” of your product may vary by region, as well as competitors being physically closer to them. Keep that in mind as you carry out your research.

3. Create a strong branding strategy

A branding strategy is important for every product, no matter the nature of the product. Branding is about establishing an emotional connection with your customer base through a strong, unique identity.

4. Use influencers to market your product

An influencer is someone who has access to your target market and can help you spread the word about your brand by promoting it to their audience. Consider utilizing the power of influencers to help you reach your target market and increase brand awareness.

5. Engage with your community

When building your product marketing strategy, always consider all available channels for engagement. Social media is one of the most powerful ways to engage with your customer base regularly, but there are also other channels such as email, blog posts, and even in-person events.

6. Make use of content marketing

Content marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach your target market and educate them about your product. By creating valuable, relevant content that speaks to their needs, you can position your product as the solution they’ve been searching for.

7. Keep testing and measuring

It’s important to keep track of what’s working and what isn’t throughout the process of product marketing. By regularly evaluating your strategies, you can continue to improve upon them until they reach maximum efficiency.

8. Reward loyal customers

Loyalty programs are an excellent way to incentivize customers to remain loyal to your brand. Through rewards programs, you can create an even stronger emotional connection with current customers and remind them why they chose to purchase from your brand in the first place.

9. Find new customers through direct mail campaigns

Direct mail campaigns are a great way to reach out to new potential customers by putting your product in front of them via physical mail. You can tailor your direct mail approach and message based on who you’re targeting and the nature of the product itself.

Bottom Line Is This:

Product marketing is a multifaceted process that requires careful consideration and planning. By following these 9 tips, you can create a powerful and effective product marketing strategy that will help your product stand out in a crowded market.

Further Reading: