How To Make A Pitch Deck For Investors

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A pitch deck is a power-point slide presentation that enables you to succinctly and persuasively share your startup’s vision with investors, users, or potential employees. It should be two to four slides long, well designed, and include the right amount of information. A good pitch deck should instantly ignite the interest of its viewers, communicate your value proposition, compel investors to ask questions, and earn their investment.

Remember that your pitch deck will be shown in rapid succession to many different people whose backgrounds vary widely, so you need to consider many different audiences in its design. You need to be very clear in communicating what you do, how you’ll make money doing it, why anyone should care about the problem that you are solving, and who is best suited to find value in your solution.

Here are some important tips about making a pitch deck:

Plan and Prepare:

Stop and Think: How To Make A Pitch Deck For Investors Before you start to create your presentation, step back and consider why you’re doing it in the first place. Why do you want an investor’s money? What will they get in return for their investment? How much are you asking for and when do you need it by? By answering these basic questions, you’ll find out exactly how long your pitch deck needs to be.

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Start Out With The End In Mind: When creating a pitch deck, remember that less is more. You can put together a thorough presentation with 12-15 slides – 20 at the most. If possible, try not to exceed this time frame. It takes practice to make sure all of your key points come across quickly since investors will glance at each slide for a few seconds at most.

Bear In mind that you never have to show your entire pitch deck if the situation calls for it; only those slides are relevant to the person with whom you’re speaking.

Address Common Objections: If there is something that investors commonly ask about or object to, build an answer into one of your slides as a preemptive strike against them raising such issues in real life. That way, when they see your presentation and ask themselves why they didn’t think of asking this question earlier, you can simply say “we’ve already addressed this on slide 10.”

Be Original: When making a pitch deck, keep in mind that you don’t want it to seem like anyone else’s and expect to be taken seriously. Therefore, make it clear that you’re not just cutting and pasting ideas from another source like a blog post — if people suspect that you’re doing this they will most likely ignore your venture.

Put Yourself In The Investor’s Shoes: When making a presentation to investors, try to look at the situation from their point of view. What do they need to know about your business in order for them to feel comfortable investing?

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Get Feedback: A great way to get feedback on your pitch deck before presenting it is by showing it to friends and family members who have no previous knowledge of what you are trying to accomplish with your startup while asking them what questions they have about each slide while thinking about it. This strategy allows you to find out what you should strengthen or change.

Another way to do this is by showing your deck to other entrepreneurs who have had first-hand experience with investors and see what they think. Their feedback should be highly valued as they can give you insight into the mindset of potential investors by telling you how convincing they found the presentation to be, what things they would have liked to see more or less of, and any improvements that need to be made for a pitch deck to most effectively attract an investor’s attention.

The bottom line is that before presenting your pitch deck, take some time and consider all of the possible reactions it might get from the people viewing it so that when real life comes calling, you’ll know exactly which questions need to be answered and which parts need to be further emphasized.

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